Divrei Torah


Terumah 2023: The Medium and the Message

The Tabernacle is a mysterious part of the Torah and Jewish history, but some of our scholars see in it a message as a medium between us and God. As bearers of Torah today, how can we connect with the Tabernacle as a medium?

More Divrei Torah:

Vaera 2023: Do We Want to Fear God?

Vayigash 2023: Resurrection of the Dead: Ascending Into the New Year

Rosh haShanah 2022: Overcoming the Mindset

Ki Tavo 2022: The Privilege of Freedom

Pinchas 2022: Reactionary vs. Systemic Thinking

Be'ha'alotecha 2022: Redemption Through Time

Shabbat Zachor 2022: The Danger of Myth

Terumah 2022: The Ark of the Brokenhearted

Shemot 2021: Defining Ourselves With And Against

Vayigash 2021: Spiritual Outlook or Spiritual Bypass?

Vayeishev 2021: Gratitude for Change

Vayeitzei 2021: Transcending the Past to Heal the Future

Toldot 2021: The Power of Familial Patterns

Lech Lecha 2021: Everyday Apocalypses

Ha'azinu 2021: Metaphors for God

Rosh haShanah 2021: The Messiah of Sympoesis, or The End of Progress

Ki Teitzei 2021: The Mitzvot of Harm Reduction

Vaetchanan 2021: The Blessing of the Shema

Balak 2021: Listening to the More Than Human World

Korach 2021: The Pitfalls of Institutional Power

Bamidbar 2021: Truth Shall Spring from the Earth

Passover 2021: Moving Towards Liberation for All

Vayekhel/Pekudei 2021: Guiding Angels of Divine Labor

Terumah 2021: The Four Cubits

Yitro 2021: The Gravity of Individualism

Beshalach 2021: What Is A Miracle?

Vaera 2021: 1/60th of a Miracle

Vayera 2020: Communicating with the Divine

Shlach 2020: Beginning With Ourselves

Chayei Sarah 2020: Connecting With Our Ancestors Through Life and Death

Bereishit 2020: Creation and Perfection

Sukkot 2020: Between Here and There, Between Before and After

Yom Kippur 2020: Struggling for Happiness

July 2013 Andy Kahn July 2013 Andy Kahn

What do Kanye West and Jerusalem have in common?

So, I’ve just about completed my first week in Jerusalem. As all first-year students of HUC-JIR must, I packed up and headed off to begin my studies at the campus in Jerusalem. As not all first-year students of HUC-JIR must, I said goodbye to my wife, as the clear impracticality of both of us being unemployed and living in a foreign country for a year, and HUC-JIR’s staunch stance on all students attending this first year in Israel program, made it impossible for us to be together.

This is clearly a challenge. And in my way of looking at the world unavoidable challenges are the ones that provide the most dear and important lessons. There’s an added level of challenge to it in that it feels like I am circling back on the past. I was in school in Jerusalem about 8 years ago for six months, after a six month stint in Beer Sheva. I’ve been through countless academic programs designed to bond me with my classmates, impress a lasting narrative on me about whatever institution I was attending at the time, many which attempted to weave a broad tapestry of Jewish history all rooted in the land of Israel. Some things worked, some things didn’t; some things I took, some I left. This time around, though, picking up and moving to a new place for a new experience has an added level of sadness in leaving behind my wife, friends, and other family in the states.

I still have no earthly idea what lesson is being provided to me by my being separated from my wife for a year, but I hope it will become clear over time. In fact, Kanye West has provided me with ample reason to believe that one day, no matter how much I hate the fact right now that I am separate from my wife, I will maybe see some value in it.

Up until the past few weeks I hated Kanye. Like, really hated him. I could always acknowledge his talent, but couldn’t get past the revulsion he elicited in me through all of his overwrought claims of genius and sprawling acts of needless spotlight grabbing. When his newest album, Yeezus, came out, though, I gave him another shot.

I have never been able to get into hip hop despite many attempts both on my own and by friends. Yeezus is full of everything I hate about hip hop: Misogyny, self-aggrandizement, glorification of all things hedonistic. But its sound, its flow, its structure, and even its lyrics immediately got their hooks into my soul. I can’t explain it. I spent weeks trying to figure out if I had been wrong all along, if Kanye has just been a Russell Brand-style genius this whole time, putting on a show to lampoon the very culture he is representing. I began constructing elaborate theories of Yeezus as a concept album, charting the rise, fall, and redemption of a hip-hop star. I started convincing myself that Kanye was, in fact, not only obscenely talented musically, but a full-on genius. Then I read his New York Times interview where he proclaimed himself the new Steve Jobs (what?!), and realized I was making more of it than was there. It’s certainly a brilliant album, but Kanye isn’t any more self aware than I gave him credit for before the release of Yeezus. For some reason, this time around, Kanye hit the right chord at the right time for me and I got hooked.

So it’s all a matter of perspective and timing.  We work in cycles, our lives travel paths that spiral around a center point, not simple straight lines. It’s just like the Torah. We have been reading the same stories for millennia, but continue deriving new meaning from them. Throughout our lives, we may get second, and even third chances to learn from these same lessons. Interestingly enough, this week’s Torah portion, Devarim, is actually just a repetition of all of the stuff that just happened in the Torah so far; A moment for reflection before charging forward into the last book of the cycle of the Torah reading

It took Yeezus for me to really get Kanye’s greatness, but just because I missed it before didn’t mean that I had completely gotten the guy wrong. I needed to keep trying, in different times and contexts, to “get it.” He’s still just as much of an attention seeking idiot as I ever thought he was, and I don’t think there’s some grand narrative behind Yeezus that makes it a brilliant, scathing critique of the culture it was born from. I do think it’s an unbelievably well made work of art, though. Had I not given him another shot, I would have missed out on the whole thing. The lessons here are already learned: Just because I was wrong about one side of him doesn’t mean I was wrong about all of him, and just because you’re a genius at one thing doesn’t mean you’re a genius at all things.

Maybe it will take this whole year in Israel for me to lock down the lesson I’m not even fully aware exists yet. If there were ever a place to help create the kind of cognitive dissonance that would crack open the filters through which I process my reality, it’s certainly Jerusalem.  The wild contrast of sacred and profane, the old and the new, is everywhere. For instance, today’s women of the wall Rosh Hodesh service that was turned back by thousands of orthodox seminarian women and Ultra-orthodox men is just mind boggling when considered alongside the modern Western trappings of much of the city. The constant dissonance of Jerusalem certainly provides an excellent spot to place someone who needs a good shaking up. Hopefully, like with Yeezus, I’ll gain something that brings me great joy from a source I don’t expect. I think we could all probably take this week’s parashat as a cue to rethink some things that we are already certain we understand and are familiar with. Never hurts to try!

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